Venture Capital Marketing Agency

For VCs with under-performing SaaS portfolio companies

Gripped is a B2B growth agency built specifically around the unique requirements of B2B SaaS and tech businesses, helping them get back on the VC path.

VC Meeting
A man brainstorming marketing ideas on a whiteboard

Get your foot back on the accelerator

It’s a familiar story — your SaaS portfolio company has product market fit but, they’ve failed to build a system to deliver regular and reliable demand. Now revenue growth has lost momentum. They lack the resources, experience and expertise to execute their go-to-market strategy.

Marketing isn't complex. It's about knowing your audience and ruthlessly focusing on them. Clearly communicating, problems and value and not just selling the product.

The hard part? Building the team with the right skills. That's where we help the SaaS portfolio companies of Venture Capital.

Built the Team

We’ve built the team, so you don’t have to

Gripped is your ready-to-go marketing team without the heavy investment. We have the expertise to scale pipeline based on proven strategies and decades of experience.

We're not just nodding heads. We question, bring new ideas, and work in alignment with in-house sales teams and marketers.

We’re an extension of the team. Your trusted marketers. Obsessing with how your SaaS portfolio company grows pipeline, revenue and value, just like you.

Scale Your Investment

Scale your portfolio companies and increase your fund's return

We strategise, plan, and execute by grasping your ideal customer and their challenges, always optimising for pipeline growth. We’re constantly aligned with sales, and operate with the agility of the best in-house teams.

We don't chase empty metrics. We’re revenue-driven and our data-informed decisions prioritise genuine market presence that funnels demand to sales.

Focused on metrics that matter

We're the proven marketing agency choice for Venture Capital. Read some of our B2B SaaS growth success stories below.

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  • 166% increase in lead to pipeline ratio
  • 383% increase in pipeline deals
  • 170% marketing ROI in first 6 months
Nozzle Logo Square
  • 477% increase in organic web sessions
  • Run rate of 200+ monthly leads
  • Successful acquisition by Optimizon
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  • 173% increase in organic web sessions
  • 1540% increase in sales conversations
  • Successful exit acquisition by Epicor

Let's grow your underperforming
SaaS portfolio companies

Executing B2B go-to-market strategies
with precision and purpose

Gripped are experts in optimising and scaling go-to-market strategies to drive profitable growth for the SaaS and tech companies you invest in.


We'll assess your growth targets and performance to date and build a roadmap to get you to your goals.

ICP & personas

Identify ideal customers, target specific audiences, and collaboratively choose a place to start.

Positioning & messaging

We’ll engage your sales team to identify pain points, and develop messages based on prospect and customer feedback.


Determine how your ICP buys, capturing immediate opportunities and setting up a system that creates future demand.


To engage your audience, we'll produce content that builds trust and positions you as an industry leader.

Test, learn, iterate, scale

We’ll refine live campaigns based on data, adjusting creative, messaging, and targeting, always aiming to boost pipeline velocity.

Delivering agile, buyer-centric marketing

From strategic thinking to execution Gripped are experts in taking compelling ideas and turning them into reality. We work agile, tapping into the right resources at the right time. All delivered in a straight forward subscription service.

Strategies to create and capture demand

Align sales and marketing with demand generation strategies that drive revenue growth. Gripped's strategy service decodes the growth puzzle for B2B SaaS and tech businesses, delivering buyer-centric blueprints that drive demand, pipeline, and revenue. Harness decades of industry expertise to transform your go-to-market approach and outpace competitors.

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B2B content marketing that gets prospects talking

Be the go-to expert in your niche with practice leadership-driven content. Gripped's Content Marketing service crafts compelling narratives for B2B SaaS and tech businesses, driving conversations and conversions. Leveraging deep industry insights, we produce standout content that resonates with your audience, positions you as an industry leader, and fuels your sales pipeline.

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Optimise the path to purchase with B2B SEO

Get found in search for the most relevant and highest intent keywords. Gripped's B2B specialist SaaS and Tech SEO is laser-focused on driving revenue by optimising the path to purchase. Harnessing deep industry insights, we prioritise high-intent keywords, craft buyer-centric strategies, and ensure your online presence resonates with the evolving B2B buying habits.

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Take the pain out of paid search

Capture demand from prospects that actively search for solutions like yours. Gripped's Paid Search services are designed to maximise your ROI by targeting high-intent prospects with hyper-personalised campaigns. By understanding and leveraging the evolving B2B buying habits, we ensure your brand is front and centre when your target audience actively seeks solutions like yours.

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Create sustainable demand with B2B paid social

Build trust and create demand with the majority who aren’t ready to buy. Gripped's B2B Paid Social service is designed to transform your online buying journey, ensuring that your brand is strategically positioned to engage, nurture, and convert high-intent prospects. By leveraging the power of paid social, we aim to drive tangible sales outcomes for your business.

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Social media is noisy, get your message heard

Cut through the noise of social and get your opinions and messages heard. Gripped's earned social services build a presence where your target audience is and position you as a thought leader in your B2B SaaS or tech niche.

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Your website should be your best salesperson

Gripped's B2B SaaS & Tech Website Design service is tailored to ensure that your website isn't just a digital presence but your most effective salesperson. We understand the unique challenges B2B SaaS and tech businesses face and have crafted our services to address these needs.

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Get more from your Martech

Get more from the platforms that underpin your processes, data and growth decisions. Ensure that your marketing technology stack isn't just a collection of tools but a cohesive system that drives growth. We understand the unique challenges B2B SaaS and tech companies face, especially when leveraging technology for marketing success.

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Are we a good fit?

We're not your typical Venture Capital marketing agency. We excel with B2B SaaS and tech businesses that struggle with their go-to-market strategy or lack the means to implement it. If your investment has the following, we’ll likely be a good fit.

Your portfolio company has already won customers

They'll be ready to work with us when they've captured their first 5 - 25 customers through outbound or their network. And now, they’re ready to amplify demand and scale their go-to-market operation.

Their team

They will have someone responsible for marketing activities who will work with us to drive strategy forward and be able to give bi-weekly time commitments that a Founder can’t always provide.

Their sales team will be at least two people — sales and marketing alignment is critical for success — we’ll tap into their knowledge and also provide them with useful intelligence from marketing activities.

Are we a good fit
Strategic Investment

Strategic investment and future returns

Marketing is a strategic investment; our average customer life is 38 months. We value lasting partnerships. Expect an initial investment of around £7,500 per month and at least £4,000 monthly media spend.

Real marketing results, whether with us or any reputable agency, typically emerge between 3 to 9 months. We might not be your ideal match if you're seeking instant results, which often stem from luck rather than judgment.

Marketing is a forward-thinking investment, with the most significant returns materialising in the subsequent years. We prioritise quick wins, but building a sustainable demand engine requires time, money, skills and experience.

Strategic Investment

How to buy from us

Every business is at a different stage of its growth journey. That’s why we’ve pulled together different packages to suit different needs.

Growth Package

From £7,500 /month

You've got a clear go-to-market strategy but lack the resources to execute it. You need support in getting the foundations in place to start generating more demand and pipeline.

Scale Package

From £12,500 /month

You're struggling to align sales and marketing and targets are being missed. You need help optimising and scaling your go-to-market strategy to drive profitable growth.

Custom Package


Feel like your situation doesn't fit into our packages? Let us know what you're trying to achieve and we'll hand pick the perfect set of tactics and create your custom package.

Trusted by B2B SaaS and tech companies

Consult with a SaaS and Tech Marketing Specialist Today

Start with a complimentary digital sales and marketing review. Fill in the form and schedule a chat with our experts.

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What will you get on the call?

  • Helpful advice and guidance
  • No sales pitches or nonsense
  • No obligations or commitments

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