B2B SaaS & Tech Content Marketing Agency

B2B content marketing that gets prospects talking

Become the go-to experts in your B2B tech or software niche and create more conversations for your sales team.

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Content marketing is simple. Help prospects identify their pain and show them how to solve it.

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Thought leadership, always

Thought leadership shouldn’t be a rare wow-factor hidden behind a form. All content should be high-value, opinionated and stand out from the crowd. If it’s teaching your audience to suck eggs there’s no point creating it.

We’ll tap into the expertise of your internal stakeholders, create opinionated content that stands out from the crowd and pick the right channels to distribute it.

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Customer centricity is key

Content marketing lives and dies by how well you know your customers. You need a deep understanding of your audience to be able to capture the structured demand that is already out there, and simultaneously create future demand by educating and adding value to your target audience.

We’ll understand where your audience spends time and research solutions and think of new and creative content-led ways to get in front of them that drives demand.

Inbound Marketing

Gates create barriers

Prospects are more reluctant than ever to hand over their details for content. There is value in gating high value content, but it’s time to ditch the old-hat approach of gating everything — top of funnel leads are ultimately a vanity metric.

Gripped focuses on providing value to your audience. You can’t create demand that doesn’t already exist today, but you can create future demand through content. Be visible, be expert, be helpful — and when they’re in-market to buy, you’ll be the one they turn to.

Inbound Marketing
Digital Marketing Strategy

Test, learn, refine, repeat

Content is your biggest opportunity to test and learn in-market. Messaging, engagement, audience insights — these are all critical things to help fine-tune your go-to-market strategy.

Understand the types of content and channels that hit the mark, and crucially can be tied back to revenue. Say goodbye to spray and pray tactics, say hello to revenue-centric, data-driven content marketing.

Trusted by B2B SaaS and tech companies

Content that converts

You’re being asked to do more with less and don’t have time to think of new ways to capture demand. That’s where Gripped comes in. We’ll think beyond the SEO basics to get you in front of your audience.

Expert articles & social

Get the expertise and opinions of your business and its stakeholders in front of your audience. Create high quality thought leadership that educates prospects on how to solve their challenges, pointing towards you as the solution.

Content downloads

Gated content should be high-quality content that’s worth paying for. We’ll plan, write, design, build and promote content that turns strangers into leads from your target audience and start building a picture of the organisations that are interested in your opinions.

Website pages

Your website should be your number one salesperson. We’ll take your proposition and the expertise of your team and transform it into compelling website and landing page copy that mirrors your sales process and converts prospects.

Interactive content

Creative content that captures attention. From interactive pages to online assessments to calculators, we’ll plan, write, design and build interactive content that engages your audience.

Listicles & comparisons

There’s structured demand for your solution and the categories you associate it with. Start capturing this demand with expert comparison pieces that position you as a leader in your space.

Case studies

Social proof is a critical part of the B2B buyer’s journey. We’ll interview the relevant team members to get information on your success stories and craft challenge-oriented case studies.

Email marketing

Open rates are dropping and the lead scoring methods from content engagement are failing. We’ll switch the focus from relentlessly trying to get someone to your blog, to removing friction and providing value within the email itself.

Ad copy & creatives

Ad spend is one of the biggest culprits of wasted marketing budget in B2B companies. We’ll ensure your copy is compelling and creatives eye-catching to attract, educate, and convert your target audience.

Video content

Attention spans are dwindling and prospects demand more engaging forms of content. We’ll help explain complex propositions through video and get the expertise of the thought leaders in your organisation in front of your audience.

Want content that starts conversations?

We’ll create a content strategy that gets you in front of your target audience. Literally.

A content marketing team that feels like your own

We’ve pulled together an expert team of specialists that think like in-house marketers and create content that maps across the whole buying journey.


Marketing Account Manager

Your dedicated Marketing Account Manager has the B2B marketing knowledge to guide your decisions and tie everything together, tapping into the right specialist resource at the right time to drive your content marketing strategy forward, keeping you up to date every step of the way.


Content Strategist

B2B businesses often view paid and organic search as separate disciplines, but they’re intrinsically linked. Gripped will create a search marketing plan that gets the most out of both channels, and think beyond this for creative ways to get your opinions in front of your audience.


Content Specialist

Through a combination of desk-based research and tapping into your team's expertise, Gripped will create unique and interesting angles that gets the attention of prospects and is optimised for search from extensive keyword research.



Whether it’s core website pages, ads or anything in between, you need compelling copy that speaks to the pains of your audience, tells your story, and convinces them to take the next step in their journey.

A Gripped strategist mapping out a marketing strategy on a whiteboard.

CRO Specialist

Growth can’t operate in silos. Gripped think about the whole buyer’s journey, optimising content to encourage prospects to continue their journey and turn into high-intent leads at the right time.


Digital Designer

Digital channels are full of noise and you need to cut through it. Gripped will take your messaging and couple it with engaging creatives to bring your marketing assets to life.

Gripped delivers results worth shouting about

We’re obsessed with growing B2B SaaS companies and tech businesses in visibility, sales conversations and revenue. Read some of our success stories below.

Nozzle Logo Square
  • 477% increase in organic web sessions
  • 960% increase in demos
  • Established run rate of 200+ monthly leads
  • 2000% increase in organic web sessions
  • 275% increase in inbound leads
  • Ranking position 1 for category term
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  • 173% increase in organic web sessions
  • 1540% increase in sales conversations
  • Successful exit acquisition by Epicor

How to buy from us

Every business is at a different stage in their search journey. To get to a price we need to understand your current challenges and needs, and select the B2B content marketing services that are tailor-made for where you are today and what you’re trying to achieve.

B2B SaaS & tech content marketing agency pricing & packages

We want to make buying from us as simple as possible. So you’ll see below we’ve tried to give you an idea of the different ways to engage us, the starting costs and what changes that price.

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Rapid audit


You’ll get a skinny audit that looks at your search presence and website performance benchmarked against your three closest competitors, and how to improve it.


SEO audit

Starting from £3,000 (one-off cost)

You’ll get a deep dive into the current state of your content performance across search and your website health and be given recommendations on how to improve it. The size of your website and existing search presence dictates the cost.

Digital Marketing Strategy

Search marketing (Content + SEO + PPC)

Starting from £5,000 / month

After understanding your current position, we’ll create a search marketing strategy that ties together paid and organic search to work in harmony to drive demand. The pace of execution and number of paid campaigns dictates the monthly cost.

Martech and Marketing

Content marketing management

Starting from £2,000 / month

We’ll audit what exists and work with you to develop your content marketing strategy and balance thinking, planning, and execution of content marketing into monthly allocated resource. The amount and type of resource that you need dictates the monthly cost.

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Full digital marketing engagement

Starting from £7,500 / month

A combination of demand capture and demand creation tactics will be proposed that align with your goals and drive revenue growth. The pace of execution and breadth of tactics needed dictates the monthly cost.

Consult with a SaaS and tech marketing specialist today

Start with a complimentary digital sales and marketing review.
Fill in the form and schedule a chat with our experts.

What will you get on the call?

  • Helpful advice and guidance

  • No sales pitches or nonsense

  • No obligations or commitments

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B2B SaaS & tech content marketing agency FAQs

A specialised content marketing agency can help your business navigate the competitive digital landscape. These agencies utilise industry-specific knowledge and marketing expertise to create compelling content, execute search engine optimisation, enhance brand visibility, and generate leads, tailored to the unique needs and challenges of B2B SaaS and tech businesses.

Results can vary depending on your specific goals and the strategies employed. However, common outcomes include improved search engine rankings, increased website traffic, lead generation, heightened brand awareness, and ultimately, an increase in sales and revenue.
Using their specialised knowledge, a B2B SaaS & Tech SEO agency is capable of crafting strategies that target these specific characteristics.

These agencies use a combination of SEO strategies, high-quality content creation, social media management, email marketing, and digital advertising to boost your online visibility. They aim to get your content seen by the right people at the right time, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversions.

Content marketing is a long-term strategy, and it often takes several months to see significant results. Consistency, quality, and continuous optimisation are key to success. A reliable agency will provide regular updates and reports on your campaign's progress.

A professional agency will take the time to understand your business, your tone of voice, and your goals. They will create a tailored content marketing strategy that aligns with your business and caters to your target audience's needs and interests.

Yes, most B2B tech content marketing agencies offer social media marketing as part of their services. They can manage your social profiles, create engaging content, and use targeted advertising to reach potential customers on platforms where they are most active.